Home 2020-04-16T08:48:41+00:00


Small and Fancy…

TINA (Tiny Interactive Networked Audio) is a small and interactive audio guide. Designed to keep in the visitors minds, TINA is the right solution to enhance your experience.

Get TINA if you want to:

  • Engage your visitors experience!
  • Personalize your event!
  • Enhance your exhibition!
  • Have an audio experience at your hands!

TINA is already at the MNRL (Nacional Museum of Liberty and Resistance) and at the Nacional Museum of Loulé.

Indoor Tours

Museums and exhibitions, the perfect guide for your visitors.

Outdoor Tours

Audio everywhere for everyone…

Walking Trail

When you are walking you could ear about the directions to take and an explanation about the landscape.


Ideal for peddy paper or treasure hunt games, indoor or outdoor, ideal to improve your experience.

Story Teller

Pick a story and let your children live it…


On-Job learning with audio explanation in several languages.

Main Features:

  • SON emitters

  • NFC technology

  • 24h battery in continuous mode

  • Video and audio sync

  • Multi-language content

  • Easily customizable front covers

  • Proprietary content management software (TINA Tours)

  • Audio activation through proprietary app (TINA Mobi) by geolocation

TINA @ Museum

TINA @ Portugal